High Achievers offers service learning program to help the less privileged in surrounding regions are sustained over long periods and we purpose to contribute in meaningful ways that will impact our beneficiaries’ lives deeply.
We also strive to coach our youths to learn the true meaning of service learning, to develop character, leadership values and citizenship education.
In partnership with non-governmental organisations based in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, continuous support has been rendered to several villages and local schools on a long-term basis. Lifeworks’ project efforts focus on improving physical facilities to provide a more sufficient and conducive environment for the children, equipping men and women with hard and soft-skills to enable them to make a living, and teaching youths and children the discipline and competencies to improve their lifestyles.
Service project sites:
Together with a local partner, adoption of several provincial village schools are in place. From Lifeworks' Yunnan programme, youths are exposed to the rich ethnic heritage and cultures of the ethnic minority people, learning from them the traditions and values that guide them in dealing with challenges and adversities.
Service project sites:
Lifeworks’ East Java programmes give youths an insight to the rich heritage of the Majapahit Empire. Youths also learn from the resilience of the people who face challenges of living in a rapidly developing country and how they manage dangers posed by nature.
Service project sites:
With the support of a Peacekeeping Force based in Timor Leste, the youths can serve and learn in a safe environment. Youths will learn to appreciate the challenges of nation building, and the importance of education and character development to a young nation and its people.
Service project sites:
Together with a non-governmental organisation, project efforts aim to build long-term relationships with several district village schools to support the furthering of education. Youths will come to appreciate the importance and respect accorded to education and character development. Through Lifeworks’ Thailand programmes, Youths will gain insight to The Royal Project and the importance of continual learning in the area of environment conservation and nature preservation.
Service project sites:
In partnership with a non-governmental organisation, efforts are focused on reaching out to disabled and homeless children and youth, equipping them with practical skills so as to enable them to be independent, find employment and break the cycle of poverty. Lifeworks’ HCM programmes will give youths an insight to the history of Vietnamese War and its impact on the current Vietnam. Youths also learn to appreciate that education and more importantly, strong character values, are the ultimate in bringing joy and meaning in one’s life.
Service project sites: