Dear Parents,
Thank you for registering your child for the DroneDayChallenge Program. In order for your child to have the best possible experience. Please take the time to read this pre-event brief together with a list of items that your child will need to prepare.
1. What does my child have to bring?
Items To Bring:
Important Mandatory Items
1a. Smart Phone / Tablet (with wifi) : The drone unit can operate with flight controls provided in the kit however in order to learn about video capture and editing each participant should have a mobile smart phone that operates on one of the following operating systems.
1b. Charging Cable for Smart Phone / Tablet.
IOS : Ver 10 or higher
Android : Ver 7 (Nougat ) or higher
1c. Mobile Data Plan / Wireless SG account: The mobile smart phone should have an active data plan which will allow them to download mobile applications as well as publish any videos that they have taken during the event.
1d. Active IOS App store account / Andriod Play Store: To allow the participant to download the control software application onto the mobile device. Registered participants will be informed about the application to download prior to the event should parents wish to control application downloads.
1e. 4 AA Alkaline Batteries: Participants will need 4 New AA sized batteries by which to power a separate controller. The controller requires only 4 batteries however it would be prudent to bring extra batteries as spare.
1f. Power Bank Charger: Participants are required to bring a power bank charger with a USB port.
1g. Cable used to charge the power bank. This will allow participants to charge their batteries. Where possible a power bank charger should also be brought so that the participant can charge
Optional Items
1h. Carry Bag: A bag pack or carry bag to carry the unit back after the course.
1i. Personalised Stickers: The program will require each participant to mark and label their drone kits and attached accessories. Participants may bring up to 8 copies of personalized printed stickers if they have. However, standard white labels will still be provided for them to mark their units.
1j. Pencil Case: To complete worksheets and to mark their Drone units.
2. Applications To Download
Should your child have application download restrictions we would greatly appreciate if you could pre-install this application so that it can be used to capture video , edit and transfer them.
The Drone unit is designed to pair with your smartphone via wifi through the use of a mobile app.
a ) Drone Video Application
To Capture Video from the drone unit .
Android PlayStore:
b) Mobile Video Editing Application
Movie editing software to allow participants to express themselves creatively.
c) Whatsapp :
To transfer content between teammates and for video presentation
Participants will be broken into flight teams and team members will be required to share videos quickly through a private whatsapp group. Please register an active whatsapp number so that your child is able to participate in the sharing of the videos in this group.
3. Can I purchase spare batteries?
Each drone unit comes with one rechargeable battery and USB charging kit. Each fully charged unit can last up to 8 minutes of continuous flight time. Should you wish to purchase additional battery units they can be purchased at $15 / pc onsite. Limited to one pc per participant.
AA sized batteries for Controller Unit

Charging Cable for Power Bank

Sample of Charger for Drone Battery

QR Code for application download.

The following are FAQ’s that may be of interest to you.
Are the drones safe?
The program will be conducted indoors as well as within the court yard and premises of the school. The drones will have spinning plastic rotors and propeller guards will be put in place at all times. They will also only be flown one at a time and within a 15 meter distance with the rest of the participants observing to ensure safety for all participants.
If my child is young will there be guidance?
Operation of the drone units does requires a certain level of technical involvement from placing the batteries to paring of the devices and adjusting the rotors. We will have facilitators present to guide participants should they face difficulty. We will also partner students to help one another in the setup and operation of the drones.
What happens if the drone unit is damaged or lost?
Upon the assignment of their individual units the participant’s first exercise will be to mark and label their own units to prevent any confusion. This will also include battery units and controllers.
Please note that operating drones does take a fair amount of practice in order to be proficient and there is a high possibility for the units to crash into a wall or the floor if the participant doesn’t follow instructions. Whilst they are designed to take small knocks, these are basic units which do not have replaceable parts. Since flight is involved a small knock may render the unit unable to fly at its optimum.
We would require participants to only pilot their own units. Any loss or damage will be the responsibility of the participant. If the participant pilots the units past the allowable 40 meter radius the drone unit may lose radio contact with the controller and may plummet and be damaged or lost.
What are the rules governing drone flights?
One of the topics covered in the course is the current prevailing legislation pertaining to the operation of recreational and professional drones.
We will ensure that during this course the participants adhere to these rules and the training facilitators will be present to ensure that they follow these rules. We would also like to encourage parents and teachers to ensure that they continue to abide by these rules after the course.
Detailed regulations can be referenced at this link:
Should you have further questions which are not addressed in this brief please do not hesitate to contact the program representative listed below via SMS or Whatsapp: 9821 5914 OR 9790 2204.
We look forward to seeing your child at the Drone Day Challenge Program.